We are excited to introduce a new video series: Commonsense Conversations with the Alliance! Our CEO Renee Hopkins will be joined by our partners, legislative leaders, issue experts, and community members to talk about gun violence and the work being done to prevent it.
Sen. Jamie Pedersen and Rep. Drew Hansen, two of our strongest champions in the Washington state legislature, joined Renee for our first episode, which you can see below. The plan was to preview the 2021 legislative session, which will be held almost entirely remotely. But the conversation took place the day after the violent, fascist attack on the U.S. Capitol so, of course, that’s where the discussion began.
Our hope is that these conversations will be a fun and informative way for our community to learn more about our work and how they can get engaged. We’ll host as many as possible through Facebook Live on the Alliance for Gun Responsibility page. We’ll also make audio versions of the conversations available here for anyone who might be feeling a little video’d out. Keep an eye out for new episodes!
— Kristen Ellingboe is Communications Manager at the Alliance for Gun Responsibility