Public Health Approach
In 2013, Seattle became the first city in the nation to directly fund research into the public health impacts of gun violence in the community. Read more.

Background Checks on All Gun Sales
Currently, federal law requires licensed firearms dealers to conduct background checks on gun purchases to make sure that the purchaser is not prohibited from buying a firearm. However, in some states, unlicensed sellers, like those at gun shows or on the Internet, are not required to do so, leaving a dangerous loophole that allows prohibited purchasers to access deadly weapons. Read more.

Extreme Risk Protection Orders
Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) empower families and law enforcement to prevent gun tragedies by temporarily restricting access to guns for individuals at an elevated risk of harming themselves or others. Read more.

Suicide Prevention
Research has shown suicide acts are often impulsive and fleeting. Ninety percent of individuals who attempt suicide do not go on to die by suicide. If someone in crisis can’t access lethal means, we have a chance to save their life. Read more.

Safe Storage
Safe storage and access prevention laws require responsible gun owners to make a reasonable effort to keep guns out of the hands of children and other prohibited persons. Read more.

Domestic Violence Prevention
Domestic violence is the single greatest predictor of future violent felony crime. Read more.

Firearm Trace Data
Firearm trace data are a key clue for investigators to identify firearms used in specific crimes. This information is key to understanding where crime guns are being sourced from, and preventing perpetrators from committing additional crimes. Read more.
Voluntary Waivers
Voluntary waivers allow individuals to proactively add themselves to a list of people who are not allowed to purchase firearms. This solution is unique to Washington State; presently, no other state gives individuals the agency to prohibit themselves from buying guns. Read more.

In November 2014, Washington State voters approved Initiative 594 with nearly 60% of the vote, making Washington the first state to close the background check loophole by a popular vote. Read more.

Initiative 1491 made Extreme Risk Protections Orders (ERPOs) the law of the land in Washington State. ERPOs allow law-enforcement officers, family members and others to ask a judge to keep firearms out of the hands of someone deemed a danger to themselves or others. Read more.

Initiative 1639 was the most comprehensive gun law ever put forward in Washington State. It raised the age to purchase a semi-automatic assault rifle to 21 years old, among other provisions. Read more.

Foundation Efforts
To learn more about the implementation of these laws, as well as research, public education, programs, and youth engagement, visit our C3 site: foundation.gunresponsibility.org