Every year, legislators hold town hall meetings in their community to hear from their constituents. These meetings are your opportunity to hear from your legislators in your community – and to hold them accountable for fighting for gun responsibility bills that save lives.
Follow these steps to make your next town hall a success!
Step 1: Find a Town Hall
Our friends at Indivisble have a great tool for finding an event near you.
Step 2: Make the Most of It
Make sure that your legislator (or their staff) knows that you are an active constituent and you VOTE! Other tips include:
- Arrive early or stay late to pull each legislator aside and talk to them one-on-one about the importance of gun responsibility.
- When Q&A begins, run to the microphone to be first in line.
- If questions are submitted by paper, make sure everyone with you submits a question, increasing the chances of it being addressed.
Step 3: Let us Know How it Went!
Email Maureen so we know how your legislator stands on the issues.