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You just made history.

Today, the Senate unanimously passed ESHB 1840, which will protect Washingtonians by making the possession of firearms illegal for people who are currently under a restraining order.

And we know that the presence of a gun in domestic violence situations increases the risk of homicide for women by 500% — so we just saved a lot of lives.

This was no easy feat — as the bill failed to even get a vote last year. But we got this done because of the action that you — and more than 5,000 others who joined the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility — took by writing a letter or making a call to your legislator.

Next up, we’re going to make another simple, commonsense reform to Washington law that will save more lives by extending existing background checks to all gun sales — but to do that, we’re going to need the resources to fight the gun lobby all over the state.

Your financial support has already helped to save lives in Washington — will you step up again with a contribution of $5.00 today?

This is just the beginning. You’ve made history — and you should be very proud. But now the gun lobby knows that we’re for real, and they’re not going to be taken by surprise again.

They are going to pour money from across the nation into our state to try and stop us from passing I-594, and they’re already pushing a competing measure that would END OUR EXISTING BACKGROUND CHECKS ALTOGETHER.

This is going to be a hell of a fight — but we’ve shown we can win, and pass measures that will reduce gun violence in Washington.

Let’s do this.

Will you step up again with a contribution of $5.00 to help us keep fighting?

Thank you. We made a huge difference today — and I can’t wait to show the state how much more we can do to make Washington a safer place for our families.

Zach Silk
Campaign Manager
Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility