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We were thrilled to accept an invitation from the Gates Foundation to participate in a special exhibit called, “We the Future: Young Leaders of Social Change.” This exhibit showcases the stories of 10 young leaders working to build an equitable and inclusive world through their respective social change movements, including gun violence prevention.

On Saturday, we headed to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center in Seattle to talk to hundreds of visitors throughout the day about how to turn their inspiration into action. There were also performances by Xiuhtezcatl, a climate justice advocate and hip-hop artist who is included in the exhibit, as well as local youth musicians, poets, and artists.

We were proud to be alongside our friends like Choose 180, Rainier Valley Youth Corps, Oxfam, Washington Bus, and others. The event was incredibly interactive and a wonderful representation of diverse community activists from across the country.

Don’t worry if you missed it – the event runs through March 21, 2020.

-Tallman, Logan, Sean, and Kristen are Alliance team members.