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A message from King County Executive Dow Constantine —

It’s up to all of us to ensure the safety of Washington State’s children.

We must reduce gun violence and protect our shared future, even though legislators in both Olympia and Washington, D.C., have ignored the outcry for sensible gun safety reforms.

The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility needs your help.

Without legislative action, enacting commonsense reform like requiring criminal background checks on all gun purchases will take a successful ballot initiative. To get on the ballot means gathering thousands of signatures.

The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility is working to do just that, and they need your help.

Click here to request your own official petition form, and help us get one name closer to our goal of 250,000 petition signatures by the end of September.

As a registered Washington voter, you can provide the first signature on your petition (and there’s room for four friends to sign too).

With our ambitious goal of 250,000 signatures by the end of this month, we need your support to help protect Washington’s children from the threat of gun violence. But, unfortunately, state regulations do not allow you to simply download an online petition.

All it takes is clicking here to request your petition form — and we’ll mail it to you right away!

We’ve just printed hundreds of new petition forms, and it’s time to put them to good use.

And I would very much appreciate seeing your signature alongside mine, and those of hundreds of thousands of our fellow Washington voters.

Thank you for helping to make Washington State a national leader in responsible gun ownership.


Dow Constantine
King County Executive