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Last week, we attended the Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair in Esther Short Park. This event was a powerful expression of communities across Washington coming together to celebrate various efforts to make our world a better place. This year, the fair encompassed the entire park – it was the largest it has ever been! The Alliance was thrilled to be a part of it.

While tabling, we talked to people with diverse opinions on how to help prevent gun violence in our communities. We connected with Veterans for Peace, who spoke to us about the high rates of suicide in the veteran community. We also talked with an individual who was concerned about someone close to them — a gun owner — expressing intent to harm themselves. We provided the attendee with resources and information on how to file an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) so they can keep their loved one safe. Knowing that there is a chance we were able to prevent a suicide really highlighted why we participate in events like this one.

We also talked with people about our upcoming 2020 policy agenda. Many folks signed our legislative postcards, addressed to their Representatives and Senator, that voiced their support for our work in reducing gun violence throughout Washington.

Overall, the Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair was an amazing experience. We are so grateful to the organizers for inviting us and we can’t wait to return next year!

–Hazel Brown is an Electoral Organizing Fellow at the Alliance.