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The Tri-City Herald reports:

Two speakers Friday tried to win potential voters over to their side of controversial gun-related ballot issues.

Rory Graves, whose mother, a Tri-City resident, was shot in a domestic violence incident two years ago, spoke in favor of Initiative 594, which, if passed, would require background checks on all gun sales, including ones made on the Internet and at gun shows.

Phil Watson, director of special projects with the Second Amendment Foundation, told the audience at the Richland Red Lion that they should vote for Initiative 591 instead, which would forbid the state from passing gun background checks beyond what federal law allows, on Nov. 5.

The 16 states that require background checks on all gun sales have seen 38 percent fewer gun-related murders, said Graves, who was representing the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility in front of 80 people at the Columbia Basin Badger Club forum.

“We know closing these loopholes is effective in preventing gun violence,” she said. “It’s common sense to make sure everyone in the state goes through the same background check.”

Read the whole article here.