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SEATTLE, WA – In response to the decision by Judge Harlin Hale to dismiss the NRA’s bankruptcy case, Alliance for Gun Responsibility CEO Renée Hopkins issued the following statement: 

“This decision delivers a serious blow to the NRA and a victory for the rule of law. It was clear from the start that filing for bankruptcy was a desperate ploy by the NRA to avoid financial and legal responsibility for years of fraud and mismanagement. Today’s decision, dismissing the filing and agreeing it was made in bad faith, confirms that no organization is above the law. For years the NRA has opposed any and every gun safety measure, sowing fear and hate at the expense of American lives. This bankruptcy trial made clear that they have been cheating American taxpayers in pursuit of their extreme agenda. They must be held accountable. We support existing efforts by the New York and DC Attorneys General to do just that.” 
