Today is a critical deadline for two commonsense gun safety bills, and we need your help.
House Bill 1612 would create a felon firearm database and passed the House 85 – 10, while House Bill 1840 would require a person found to be a credible threat to their spouse or partner to surrender their weapons. This is a commonsense step to protect victims of domestic violence and save lives. It passed the House 61 – 37.
Both of these bills have bipartisan support and are even supported by the NRA.
These bills are exactly the type of sensible legislation that we need to prevent more gun violence, but obstructionist legislators in the Senate are blocking a vote to move forward on these bills.
Please contact Majority Coalition leader Sen. Rodney Tom and tell him to move forward on these two bipartisan pieces of legislation before today’s 5pm deadline:
Call (360) 786-7694 or use our website to send him an email right now.
Creating meaningful, lasting legislation to prevent gun violence will require people from across the political spectrum to come together to find solutions. HB 1612 and 1840 are good examples of sensible solutions and we need to show the Senate that we support them.
If you feel as strongly as I do about this issue, stand with me today and contact Majority Coalition leader Sen. Rodney Tom and tell him to move forward on these two bipartisan pieces of legislation before today’s 5pm deadline:
Call (360) 786-7694 or use our website to send him an email right now.
Thank you for your support,
Zach Silk