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The gun lobby won this round.

The gun lobby killed a bill ensuring that all gun sales go through the same criminal background check system — so we’re going to take this simple, commonsense reform that will save lives directly to the voters of Washington in November.

What the gun lobby did in the legislature is nothing compared to the millions of dollars they’re poised to spend to stop us at the ballot box in November. We’re going to need to really push hard to make sure that we organize a movement so large that it simply can’t be ignored — and we’re going to have to do it fast.

By the end of August, we’re going to organize 126,380 Washingtonians to pledge their votes to make Washington safer — that’s 10 percent of the votes we need to win — and I’d like you to be one of the first.

Help us save lives this fall: Click here to pledge to vote for 594 in November!


The next round of this fight started tod‌ay, at 11:‌00 a‌.m., when I stood alongside survivors of gun violence, prosecutors, moms, and clergy members — all of whom had one thing to say: 594 will save lives in Washington.

It won’t eliminate gun violence — but it’s a simple, effective step that we can take this year to make our communities safer.

I’m not kidding when I say it’s simple. You have to pass a similar background check when you apply to many jobs, volunteer at a school, or coach little league — yet anyone can buy a gun online or at a gun show without any checks whatsoever.

I’m ready to fight back against the gun lobby’s millions of dollars: Are you?

Click here to pledge your vote to save lives in November!

The gun lobby may have stopped us from extending background checks to all firearm purchases in Olympia — but your emails, calls, and support made a huge difference. We succeeded in increasing protections for victims of domestic violence, and made history in the process.

Without your support, and the support of thousands of Washingtonians, that never would have happened.

We have a lot to be proud of — but a lot more work to do to organize 126,380 voters by the end of August.

Are you with me?

Click here to pledge your vote to save lives in November!

Thanks for all of your support. With your help, we’re going to make history again.

Zach Silk
Campaign Manager
Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility