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I recently became aware that, in Washington, juvenile court records don’t automatically disappear when you turn 18.  In fact, almost all juvenile records remain open for the public to view, unless you ask a court to “seal” them. You must meet certain requirements to be eligible to have your record sealed. In communities of color, not having an opportunity to have a clean slate when you become an adult and enter the workforce can be, and often is, a hindrance,  to say the least. I had to ask, “Who in Washington is investing in alternatives to criminal prosecution for youth, and youth of color in particular? What organizations are out there that can help combat this, and is there policy/laws coming down the pipeline to give youth who are still developing the opportunity to choose a better path or have a second chance.” The answer is CHOOSE 180.

CHOOSE 180 serves youth and young adults who are engaged in activities that, if ignored, would likely result in escalating negative behavior and substantial lifelong consequences.

CHOOSE 180 History

CHOOSE 180 began in 2011 as a community-centered effort in partnership with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to impact disproportionality, keep youth out of the juvenile justice system and break the school-to-prison pipeline.  Recognizing that the criminal justice system is not the most effective tool in addressing complex social issues, King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg reached out to community leader Doug Wheeler for help in creating a new way to serve our youth in these at-risk situations.

In response, Doug Wheeler convened a group of community leaders that would not only create a program called Youth 180 but also build an organization where young people would be empowered by choice and motivated to change.  With Doug’s commitment to building a community solution and Dan’s commitment to investing in alternatives to criminal prosecution, a true partnership was built. As a result, 2,500 youth have avoided criminal prosecution and have chosen a new direction for their lives.

CHOOSE 180’s Executive Director, Sean Goode, and his amazing team have provided wraparound services like Choose 180 Workshops, Community Navigation, Success Coaching, School Based Diversion, and Summer Internships.

CHOOSE 180 Workshops

CHOOSE 180 Workshops are a half-day experience that engage young people in critical moments and empower them to make positive change in their lives. At the workshop, young people are connected to community members that share similar experiences. Together, they work in small groups to identify the behaviors that have brought them to this critical moment, what has kept them from the path of positive change, and how they can commit to CHOOSE 180.

Upon successful completion of the workshop the participants avoid having a criminal record as the alleged offense that lead to their referral is dismissed.

I had the honor of attending one of the CHOOSE 180 workshops as an observer and what I felt from the moment I entered was acceptance, the precipice of change in the air, and most importantly I felt safe. There were so many courageous stories, support, and resources all in one room and no one, not even I, left feeling like that was only one point of contact for the access, resources, and support that our young people need to fully flourish.

If you want to learn more about programming and community engagement at the Alliance or more about our partners please email: [email protected] or go to this link to learn more about CHOOSE 180 and how to help

–Brandy Grant  is the Program Manager at the Alliance for Gun Responsibility.