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Statement from Renee Hopkins, CEO of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility About the Shooting in Las Vegas:

“Last night a lone gunman opened fire from his hotel room on to a crowd of tens of thousands of people who gathered below. At least 58 people were killed and over 500 others were injured, making this attack the deadliest modern day mass shooting in the U.S.

A community is grieving today and we grieve with them. When violence hits one of our communities, it strikes all of them.

Our thoughts are with the victims of last night’s shooting, their families, those still fighting for their lives and first responders who risk their own lives to save others. But our thoughts are not enough. We must demand that our leaders honor the lives impacted with real action. They have a responsibility to keep people safe, and every day that they refuse to take action, people die. Gun violence is preventable.

We as a nation must re-commit ourselves—and demand the same of our leaders –to the hard work of building safe and just communities free from this vicious cycle of unnecessary violence. The uniquely American tragedy of gun violence does not have to continue. We can act by stopping irresponsible legislation currently being promoted by the gun lobby and by passing commonsense legislation at the state and national levels that can reduce gun violence and save lives.”