We’re hitting the streets of Washington to collect 350,000 signatures — that’s 5% of Washington’s total population — to put criminal background checks before voters in November.
This won’t be easy. We can only succeed if everyone pitches in. We need your help to not only to sign the petition yourself, but to sign up your friends and family too.
Unfortunately, because of certain state restrictions, we have to mail you the form instead of having you just download it. (On the plus side, you don’t need to worry about your printer being out of toner!)
Once you sign up for a petition form, you’ll receive it in the mail in four to five business days. Collect a few signatures, and mail the form back to us. Even if you only collect one signature, that one signature will bring us one step closer to our goal.
Thanks to your generous support, we’ve made it this far. We won in court, and now we need to spread the word, start talking to our neighbors and coworkers, and collect the crucial signatures that will bring criminal background checks to the voting booth.
We can’t do this without you.
It all begins with one signature — yours.
Talk to you soon,
Zach Silk