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We can reduce gun violence in Washington.

You’ve already taken the first step — and we really appreciate that.

But last month’s recall elections in Colorado, where the NRA leadership bankrolled a successful effort to remove from office two state senators who pushed gun reforms in their state house, made it perfectly clear that they’re going to fight reform with everything they’ve got.

We know, from experience, and from lots of scientific research, that the best way to persuade folks to support I-594 is to do one very simple thing: Talk to them.

And there is no better place to do that than in your own living room.

Click here, and sign up to host a Background Bash house party to support I-594!

Hosting a Background Bash is fun — and we’re ready to get you all the information and tools you need to make sure your house party for I-594 is a great time, as well as informative for your friends and family.

There’s just no doubt that the NRA Leadership and the gun lobby are ready to pour millions of dollars into our state to confuse, scare, and mislead Washington voters about our initiative, which would simply extend current criminal and public safety background checks to all firearm purchases statewide.

And good people, 80% of whom we know already support such a commonsense reform, can be tricked into voting against it.

So, it’s up to us to make sure that they know about I-594 and how we can step up, where legislators in Washington, D.C., and Olympia have failed, to finally do something to reduce gun violence — and make our families safer.

But it all starts with a simple conversation — and some snacks won’t hurt.

Click here, and sign up to host a Background Bash to support I-594!

Thanks again,

Tracy Newman
Finance Director
Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility