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I was going to start this email by quoting the Declaration of Independence, but you’ve probably heard that more than a few times tod‌ay.

Anyway, the 4th is always a great time to celebrate not just the founding of our nation, but the very idea that citizens have the freedom — and responsibility — to think for ourselves and act accordingly.

And, that’s what galls me about the NRA leadership and the gun lobby — for years, they’ve tried (and succeeded) to convince the media that gun owners and supporters of Second Amendment rights do not support smart, commonsense measures like requiring a simple criminal background check before you can buy a gun.

They’re wrong, and I need your help tod‌ay to show them.

Click here to sign our Declaration of Independence from gun violence today.

I know I couldn’t wait to get my hunting license when I was a kid, and poll after poll shows that overwhelming numbers of Washingtonians — including a majority of gun owners — support background checks.

It’s up to us to show the press that the NRA leadership and the gun lobby doesn’t speak for us.

Declare your independence from gun violence today.

And, after that, please go back to your barbecue and to celebrating America’s birthday.

Thanks again,

Zach Silk