Statement from the Alliance for Gun Responsibility CEO Renee Hopkins on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee Markup of Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017:
“It’s extremely disappointing that this dangerous piece of legislation is actually being considered by our lawmakers in Washington, D.C. Every single day, we lose more than 93 people to gun violence. Knowing the extent of the gun violence epidemic, it is unconscionable and irresponsible that Congress could even consider a bill that would weaken existing laws and make it easier for dangerous people, like domestic abusers, to have guns in public spaces.
This is the gun lobby’s top legislative priority for a reason. It would undermine state gun laws and allow people with dangerous histories and no background checks carry hidden, loaded handguns in public. With one law, the gun lobby would undermine dozens of state and local laws that have a proven track record of saving lives.
The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would also make it nearly impossible for law enforcement to do their job and keep our communities safe. They would not be able to verify whether a person from another state is legally carrying a concealed gun in a public place. The bill goes so far as to make individual officers personally liable for attempting to verify if a person with a gun is carrying it legally.
Voters in Washington have overwhelmingly passed commonsense gun laws that help keep guns out of dangerous hands, close existing loopholes and gaps in our current laws and protect those who are most vulnerable to gun violence. If the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act becomes national law, it will undermine the progress we’ve made in Washington and put many lives at risk. We urge Congress to do the right thing and stop this dangerous policy.”