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I need your help right now.

There’s a huge gun show in Tacoma this weekend.

And, as with most gun shows, there’s a mix of licensed firearms dealers and private parties who meet up to buy and sell guns.

Unfortunately, only SOME of these purchases will be covered by our existing criminal background check system. And this puts Washingtonians at risk because people who may not be eligible to buy a gun can get one at the Tacoma dome this weekend.

This is what 594 is all about — making sure that everyone buying a gun in Washington State passes the same background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter whom they buy it from.

Until 594 passes, we have to pressure gun show organizers to do the right thing and require ALL their customers to pass a background check to buy a gun. That means we have to act fast.

Click here to tell Wes Knodel Gun Shows that you want ALL their firearm customers to pass background checks.

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Just to be clear — we’re not asking them to do anything difficult. Just over the border in Oregon, the gun shows this same company organizes require all purchasers to complete their state’s background checks.

And there’s no reason they can’t do that same thing here in Tacoma.

But we need to act fast — the show opens o‌n S‌atu‌rday mor‌ning.

Click here to stand up for gun responsibility and urge Wes Knodel Gun Shows to apply the existing background checks to all gun purchases this weekend in Tacoma.

This fall, with your help, we’re going to make Initiative 594 the law in Washington, and this will no longer be a danger. But that’s a long way off. Our families’ safety is too important to be put at risk by allowing gun buyers to slip through the gun show loophole this weekend.

Thank you for your quick response. I’ll keep you posted on our progress.

Zach Silk
Campaign Manager
WA Alliance for Gun Responsibility