For the second year in a row, we participated in the Charles Roland African American Legislation Day. Hundreds of families and students came down to the Capitol from all over Washington State. The amazing day was sponsored by WCLC, ARPI, Seattle University, and the Alliance for Gun Responsibility Foundation. Our Program Manager, Field Team and Legislative Interns were excited and honored to have been a part of the youth programming for the day. Group facilitators worked with students from elementary through high school to discuss varying community issues, solutions, and how they can turn those solutions into bills. Students were able to rotate through a group of table discussions on homelessness, gun violence and policing, I-1000 affirmative action, and more.
The “How to Build a Bill” activity was a new focus this year, designed to empower students to be a part of the policy and legislative process in a more tangible way and prepare them for future action. Students were also given the opportunity to hear from:
- Linsay Foster, Scholar Support Navigator from Multi-service Center;
- Evan Cook, POP Supervisor and Program Coordinator;
- Jesse Johnson Federal Way City Councilman;
- Public Speaker and Education Professional Erin Jones; and
- Candidate Osariemen (Lyn) Idahosa.
The day also consisted of a student rally and time to speak with Governor Jay Inslee about the important issues that face the African American community. I’m in awe of the future leaders of not only Washington state, but the nation. They were prepared and had incredibly well thought-out solutions. I want to offer special thanks to the Program Leads: Gabrielle Prawl of ARPI, Durell Green of Choose 180, and Tyrone Brown of Seattle University. The Alliance for Gun Responsibility looks forward to participating again next year and the years after.
If you want to join us next time we have an Action Day or youth programming at the WA State Capitol please email: [email protected] or sign up here.
–Brandy Grant is the Program Manager at the Alliance for Gun Responsibility.