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SEATTLE, WA – The Alliance for Gun Responsibility issued the following statement in response to comments by Republic Police Chief and Republican gubernatorial candidate Loren Culp comparing himself to Rosa Parks and law enforcement officials to Nazis. 

The Seattle Times reported the comments on Sunday: 

“Culp compared refusals to enforce what he views as unjust gun laws to civil rights leader Rosa Parks’ famous 1955 refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. He also compared police unquestioningly enforcing gun laws to police and military officials in Nazi Germany who ‘arrested Jews and put them in concentration camps because it was the law.’”

“These appalling comments show just how unfit and out-of-touch with Washington voters Culp is,” said Renée Hopkins, CEO of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility. “Comparing his refusal to enforce Initiative 1639 to Rosa Parks’ historic civil rights protest and comparing law enforcement upholding the law to Nazi officials is outrageous and offensive. We are used to seeing this type of racially charged rhetoric from the NRA, a disgraced ideological organization that has opposed all commonsense efforts here in Washington state to reduce senseless and preventable violence. Washington voters have shown time and time again—including by approving Initiative 1639—that they want strong, evidence-based gun safety laws and elected officials who will prioritize building a safer and more just future.” 
