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We are beyond excited to announce our policy agenda for 2024! This year we are doubling down on policy focused on the community level. That means accountability, closing loopholes, and implementation are at the top of our priority. We hope you’ll join our vision of hope and safety this coming year.

Download our 2024 Policy Agenda here.

Require a Permit to Purchase Firearms (HB 1902 / SB 6004): Requiring people to undergo an in-depth background check, an identity verification, and confirm that they have met the standards to purchase a firearm is a life-saving tool. Research shows that permitting systems reduce firearm-related deaths, curb illegal gun trafficking, and help ensure firearms don’t fall into dangerous hands.

Report Lost and Stolen Firearms (HB 1903): Gun thefts often result in firearms being channeled into an underground market, where they can easily fall into the hands of those intent on causing harm. Washington State must require gun owners to report guns that have been lost or stolen to law enforcement, helping to prevent illegal gun trafficking. This reporting can significantly aid in tracking and retrieving lost or stolen firearms, reducing their availability to prohibited persons.

Dealer Responsibility (HB 2118): We must continue to hold the gun industry accountable by establishing responsible standards of care for firearms dealers operating in Washington State. Making safeguards explicit ensures that dealers are taking reasonable precautions regarding safe storage, preventing straw purchases, and maintaining accurate records. This responsibility is crucial in ensuring that firearms are sold and managed in a manner that prioritizes public safety.

Restricting Bulk Firearm Purchases (HB 2054): Limiting the number of firearms an individual can purchase at a given time is a straightforward approach to prevent gun trafficking. Data shows that multiple firearms sales are a significant indicator of firearms trafficking, and firearms sold in such sales are frequently recovered at crime scenes.

Support Community-Based Violence Intervention (HB 2197): As gun violence continues to impact young people and people of color disproportionately, the critical work of community-based violence intervention programs requires investment at all levels of government. Washington State needs to support the organizations and individuals working with community members most at risk for violence across our state.

Keep Communities Safe (HB 1195 / HB 2021 / HB 2238 / SB 6001 / SB 5444 / SB 5963): Our state must work to ensure that every community is protected from the deadly epidemic of gun violence. We must apply additional safeguards, expand restrictions into public spaces, and allow the Washington State Patrol to keep confiscated firearms out of communities. Such measures are vital in creating a comprehensive approach to gun safety, enhancing the well-being of all citizens.

Restore Local Authority (HB 1178 / SB 5446): Local leaders are best positioned to address their communities’ challenges. They should be empowered to make decisions about gun safety to keep their communities safe and build on the work that happens at the State Legislature by ending local preemption of firearm regulations. Gun violence prevention can—and should—happen at every level of government.

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